First of all, we wish you all the best for your typing exams be it CPCT, CRPF, CISF, SSC, LDC, DEST, TA/DEO, Clerk+Typist, Accounts Assistant+Typist.
Mangal Font
What is Mangal Font ?
Mangal Font is Unicode-based Hindi font.
This Hindi font is one of the most popular and widely used in India.
Mangal Font Regular Download

Mangal Font Bold Download

How to Install Mangal Font in Windows 7
How to Install Mangal Font in Windows 10
Mangal Font Keyboard Shortcut
Popular Keyboard Layout for Hindi Typing In India
- Hindi Remington GAIL Keyboard
- Hindi Remington CBI Keyboard
- Hindi Inscript Keyboard
- Hindi Krutidev Keyboard
Mangal Font Keyboard Image Layout
mangal font keyboard pdf
mangal font keyboard
Typing Test In Exam
CPCT – Computer Proficiency & Certification Test
CPCT is a Computer Based examination to assess the computer-related competencies using
MCQ and Typing skill of English and Hindi:
Typing Test for the following competencies
- Typing in English Language
- Typing in Hindi(Unicode) language
a. Remington(Gail) – Keyboard Layout
b. Inscript – Keyboard Layout
As per the CPCT rule book:-
Hindi Typing – Minimum Passing Score for each module is 50 %, which is achieved at 20 – 25 NWPM ( Net words per minute ).
SSC – Staff Selection Commission
Typewriting Skill Test is part of SSC Exams.
CRPF – Central Reserve Police Force
Hindi Typing with minimum speed of 30 words per minute on computer.
Note:- Skill Test in Hindi shall be conducted only on Remington Gail
Key layout with MANGAL Font.